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The Beauty of the Age of 2
What a wonderful time of year it is! I love it when the weather has changed, and you get to see the beautiful leaves changing, and the air is a bit nippy. Christmas is just around the corner which is exciting! Finals are also just around the corner which is nerve-wrecking! I'd love to be spending time snuggled on the couch with my sweet hubby or my cute mama's boy, but unfortunately I have been spending lots of time working on studying for finals, writing papers upon papers (grad school is full of papers!), and working on a presentation I have to present at the hospital on Monday. Hopefully later today I'll be able to upload some pictures I've been taking of Jackson with my new camera.
Sometimes I wish I could just freeze time and soak up this wonderful age of 2 1/2. This is such a fun age as children learn their independence, and can communicate so much better. Recently, Jackson has been talking to me about events that occurred back in April. I'm just amazed at his clear recollection of the events he is talking about. I love hearing him tell me about Christmas, and that we celebrate it because it's baby Jesus' birthday. I love that we were out shopping today and he saw lots of Christmas trees, presents, snowmen, etc but his eye was immediately drawn to the nativity scene and what it represented. I love hearing him sing in the car as we drive from one place to another. Oh the beauty of the age of 2! Their hearts are so tender and receptive at this age. So, while I spend lots of time locked away working on papers, studying, etc; I make sure to spend plenty of time each day soaking up the beauty of the age of 2!
Posted by The Irwins at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Jackson
Senioritis has begun...
Remember in high school when graduation was nearing, and you didn't feel like going to school anymore?!? Guess it's a common experience therefore the phrase "Senioritis" was coined. Well, it's officially hit me, and I'm a little less than 6 months from graduation. Wonder how I'll ever make it til May?!? Christmas break! That's how! Luckily, Christmas break begins in only 25 days, and I'm ready! Exhaustion is setting in! This has been a long road to getting my master's degree...One that's definitely been worth it, but also has required me to devote most free minutes that I have to school work. I look forward to relaxing in the evenings instead of working on schoolwork, sleeping in instead of getting up early to work on schoolwork before Jackson wakes, and enjoying my weekends again instead of planning them around the hours of schoolwork that needs to be completed.
So, the countdown to Christmas break begins!
Posted by The Irwins at 11:49 AM 1 comments
Labels: school

Posted by The Irwins at 11:45 AM 1 comments
A fun day at the park
Posted by The Irwins at 10:35 AM 1 comments
Labels: Jackson
Happy Halloween
Posted by The Irwins at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jackson
Pumpkin Patch
Posted by The Irwins at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: Jackson