So, I've been a little slack this week in the blogging world. What a busy week as I finish up papers, finals, etc as the summer session is coming to a close. I must say it is quite a relief to be finishing up this semester, and just knowing that there are only 2 more semesters left in this journey towards my master's degree! How exciting!
On Father's Day, we decided to make home-made ice cream together. Donald had never had home-made ice cream, and I was thinking of fond memories of my father, and one thing that came to mind is the fun things we would always do as a family, and I thought of how much I loved the summer when my dad would make home-made ice cream. YUM! We decided to make strawberry ice cream. Jackson was such a great helper when it came to packing the ice and rock salt around the ice cream.
**Thanks Lacy for such a great wedding gift! We love it!
Thanks for your comment on my blog. I love homemade ice cream!
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