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Lunch with Daddy

So, yesterday Jackson and I ventured to Holly Springs to enjoy lunch with Donald. Jackson was so excited all morning to eat lunch with daddy. We try to do this every so often so Jackson can visit where daddy works and say hello to all of Donald's co-workers.

We had a wonderful lunch at a cute little Mexican restaurant in town, and Jackson enjoyed the chips as always! Once it was time to take daddy back to work, the scene turned ugly. Jackson was VERY upset that daddy wasn't coming home with us and instead had to work. I snapped this image of Jackson as we were about to drive off. Daddy gots lots of hugs and kisses before leaving, but it simply wasn't enough for Jackson. I heard Jackson scream in octaves I have never heard from him before.

Guess he's a daddy's boy! (I know deep down inside he's a momma's boy too, but there's just something so special to him about his daddy at this time in his life. It's a beautiful thing.)

I'm also including a video of him talking while playing about loving his daddy. These moments are priceless!


Anonymous said...

So sweet! This video made me giggle! That is true love to think of "daddy" even during playtime! ;)
We miss you Jackson! The Congletons