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Thank you

Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement as I prepare for my big exam tomorrow! I have a sense of confidence and calmness as I think about tomorrow. This sense of calmness was briefly interrupted as I read through all the details of the exam and realized they don't allow mechanical pencils for the exam, so looks like tomorrow morning I'll have to go get some old-fashioned pencils. You would think I would have some here, and I found pencils, but no sharpener, so that won't work! I have studied and prepared for this exam as best I know how. I have been asked by several people when I will have the results...This exam is a paper version, so I have to wait for it to be scored before being returned to me. It appears this process takes about 1 month, so after tomorrow, I'm going to try not to think about it for a while. After all, it's consumed my life for the past few weeks as I've intensely prepared for the exam, so it'll be a welcomed break not to think about it for a little while.
Please continue to pray for me through tomorrow. My exam is at 11AM. Thank you again for all your support!