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Bedtime prayers

Donald is out of town this week for work, so Jackson and I are on our own. Boy, do we ever miss him after just 1 night!
Last night I was putting Jackson in bed after his bathtime and storytime. I asked him what he wanted mommy to pray about tonight, and he listed off: Daddy, Mommy, Mimi, Granny, Papa, Giz, me, and Daddy. He made sure to put daddy in there twice since daddy is gone, and I thought it was cute he asked me to pray for him. So, we closed our eyes and said our prayer, and when I was finished, I asked if he wanted to say a prayer. So we closed our eyes and this was his prayer:
Dear God, watch over me, Daddy, Mommy, Mimi, Granny, Papa, Giz. Protect us. We sat there for a minute and I peeked and he still had his eyes closed, so I asked if he was finished, and he nodded his head yes, so I rounded it out by saying Amen.
Oh it was precious! I love that child that God has so richly blessed me with! Parenting isn't always easy, but there's just some moments that make up for the difficult moments to encourage you to stick with it, because it's all worth it!