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2009 in Review

This year I did not get the opportunity to mail out Christmas cards. Seems I'm still trying to find the balance between family, work, and life, and sometimes I'm unable to do all the little things I'd love to do. I know that in time this balance will come as I strive to be the best wife and mom I can be while working. I had hoped to mail out cards and send out an update letter, so here's what I would've included in my letter had I actually written one =)

Donald continues to work for the Town of Holly Springs. We feel so incredibly blessed for God's hand of provision in our life that has remained constant for our years together. We're so thankful not only that Donald has a job, but it's a job he enjoys. Donald is such a special man, and a wonderful daddy and husband. Donald and Jackson are best friends, and spend lots of time together cuddling or playing.

Kelly graduated from graduate school in May, and began working in August at a nursing home. Being a speech-language pathologist is so incredibly fulfilling. I love my job, and love the girls that I work with! I love that we are so close! We work, cry, laugh, and pray together. We are very close knit and feel more like sisters than co-workers. I prayed for many months for God to open the door for His will because more than anything I long to be right in His will because I know that's where I'll be happiest ultimately, and looking back I'm so amazed at all the doors He shut only to open a door I never imagined I'd be happy in. Now, I can see how His hand was at work in my life, and I'm so thankful that His timing is always right!

Jackson began preschool part-time this past fall, and has thoroughly enjoyed it. He has learned so much and come so far academically and socially. I'm constantly amazed at the concepts his little mind can grasp. There's nothing I enjoy more than hearing his voice singing songs about our Lord and Savior as we drive to Rocky Mount. I'm proud to be called "Mommy" of such a special little boy who was formed perfectly by God's hands.

2009 has been an exciting year for our family, and we're excited as about what 2010 holds as we look forward to a new year.