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It's Official!

I officially began the job search today! I submitted my first application for a position that I am interested in as a staff acute care Speech Language Pathologist at a local hospital. I'm excited about what the next few months may bring in our life. I've been praying for months and months about this decision...Seems like such a daunting task to look for a job, to figure out exactly what arena I wanted to use my degree in...did I want to go work in a hospital, school system, inpatient rehab center, outpatient rehab, home health, etc...the list goes on. The great thing about this profession is there's so many possibilities, and I'm not limited by 1 arena or 1 population. I can work in acute care primarily with adults now, and could later begin working in the school systems with pediatrics. In my heart of hearts, I know why I went into this profession, I know why I love this profession, and I know where I can make the biggest impact; however, with so many choices, the way is not always clear. I have been prayerfully considering my options for some time, and have been quite reserved in my choices and job search; however, I'm finally ready to begin this job search, and pray that God opens the right door for me. I think I know what I want to do, but I pray that if that is not God's desire that He will close those doors, and open only the door He intends for me to pursue. So, please be in prayer for us as we embarq on this adventure!
**What a rambling post! That's how all this seems in my mind right now too =)


Anonymous said...

Kelly ... I will be praying for you and the decisions that are coming soon. We wish the best for you, Donald, and Jackson. Love, Aunt Gail