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Lazy Weekend

We had a much-needed lazy weekend this weekend. We were able to spend lots of time outside with Jackson, and let him enjoy this beautiful weather! He's into watching all the bugs, lizards, birds, and was thrilled he was able to get pretty close to a rabbit today. He's been helping me with the yard work lately as he drives his power wheel around and throws sticks into the back of it so he can later dump them in the backyard. He also is very helpful watering the flowers, or picking weeds out of the flower beds. It's so exciting to watch him learn new things, and demonstrate his independence.
Hopefully we'll have some new pics to add later this week. I finish up with final exams this week so we'll be able to get out and do more as soon as exams are behind me. Say a prayer for these finals. This has been my hardest semester yet, so I'm praying the finals go smoothly.


Jennifer said...

Lookin' good! Good luck on your exams this week. Our blog is I try to keep it up, but I get slack sometimes! :) Hope you all are doing well!