So things have been a little crazy the past few days, so I haven't had an opportunity to sit down and blog about our days here at the Irwin house, and what Jackson has been up to. I'm happy to say that this semester of school is finally over and I have 2 weeks of down time to relax a little before another semester and internship begins. This is a much-needed break! The countdown to graduation begins...12 months and counting =)
Since the weather has been so beautiful, Jackson and I have been spending the majority of our days outside enjoying SPRING! There's so many things for Jackson to explore, and he's such a great helper with the yard work. He loves finding sticks or pieces of pinestraw to throw in his wagon. Jackson has been such a big helper in the yard that we decided to let him plant some wildflowers that are his flowers, so they have been his responsibility to water and check on everyday. He worked hard digging the hole to put the seeds in and actually covering up the seeds. He checks his pots everyday even though he doesn't see much going on now. He waters them and tells me about his flowers. Here's a picture of him planting his seeds. I'm sure we'll post more pics as his seeds sprout and he gets even more excited about his flowers. 
In other news...we've been working on teaching Jackson how to drink from a cup. He gets so excited to be such a big boy. We've still got a ways to go on this, but he's learning and getting the hang of it. I love his big refreshing sigh after each sip as if everything tastes better when you drink it from a big boy cup instead of a sippy cup.
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