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Last night while getting Jackson ready for bed, he began laughing at Donald, and I couldn't resist the video. There's just something so special about boys and their daddy. I'm so thankful Jackson has been so blessed with such a special daddy that is so good to him. How can you resist smiling at such a sweet little cackle =) Hope that brightens your day!

We celebrated Donald's birthday on Sunday and had a nice time together as a family. He turned 29. Jackson loves "pesents" and "cake." I'm sure he wishes he could celebrate a birthday everyday.

In other news...things are starting to settle back down a bit from a hectic week last week. Things are falling into place at my new internship, and I'm enjoying it so much. There's something so special about being involved in helping a patient make improvements in their health and be able to do things once again that they took for granted; such as conversing with your friends and family, eating, or even having a sip of water. I am constantly reminded of how many things I can truly be thankful for. I remember asking Mom in August of last year as I turned in my month notice at the bank to remind me that I was making the right decision to leave a good job and pursue a career in speech-language pathology, and I'm so thankful that I took that step of faith, and pursued something that I love and feel fulfiled in. It's not been an easy road, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel and look forward to graduation on May 8, 2009. Thank you for all the continued support from my friends and family. I could never have done it without you!