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1 Adventure Down, 1 More to go

Yesterday was my last day of my internship in acute care. What a challenging semester I have had with classes and this internship. This semester proved to be a difficult one with lots of challenges, but a variety of learning opportunities. When I started this semester, I felt a bit overwhelmed as I was in a new that was very intense, and came with a variety of complicated cases. I've had days where I was so thankful for the opportunity God had given me to encourage a patient and their family, but also days where I felt beaten down because it's heartbreaking to watch what some of these families go through. It's encouraging to watch these families overcome and prevail against adversity in their life, and to see their faith in God strengthened as they endure the trial.
I've been re-reading a book by Dr. Joseph Stowell, and have been so encouraged as I have read about adversity, and how and why God uses adversity in our life to show just who God is in our life and that His grace is sufficient. Just this morning I was reading and he was writing about how when we have difficulty in our life it's like a huge blinking light on our head. Everyone takes notice, and wants to see how we're going to respond. That's so true!
I have enjoyed laughing with families, and have also shed tears for families as I've seen the adversity they face, and from personal experience know it's not an easy road. I've had many opportunities to remind families that God is ultimately the One who decides when we take our last breath not us or doctors, etc. I'm so thankful for the professional and personal growth I have gone through this semester. Who knew that a semester I dreaded so dearly because of the personal impact it might have, proved to be such an encouraging experience!
I'm out of school for the next month, and will enjoy this time to slow down, and catch-up on a few things. I start clinic back in January and will be working in an out-patient rehab setting. I will graduate on May 10. YES!! Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to study for the PRAXIS exam for Speech-Language Pathologists. I take the exam on January 10, and must pass in order to obtain licensure and a diploma. Whew! There's a lot weighing on this test which will test everything I know and goes back to even my undergraduate studies.


Anonymous said...

I have no doubt.... you will make it just fine! I love you. Love, Gail

The Congleton Family said...

I will definately be praying for you, Kelly! Enjoy your much needed break for now! Can't wait to see you guys real soon! Love ya!