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Reflections on Christmas

This year I committed to really make the journey to Christmas a personal journey for me. I wanted Christmas to be a personal spiritual journey in which I reflected on the birth of Christ and the impact that had for me. I just wanted to share a few of my reflections.

I am in awe that a perfect Savior would choose to come into this world in a dirty, smelly stable. That He would choose to leave a perfect place to live in this imperfect, cruel world to save a sinner like me. WOW!

Our pastor was preaching this morning about how prophesy in Micah had revealed that He would be born in Bethlehem, but when He was born, He was born into this world rejected and alone. There was no room for them in the inn, and Mary was forced to have him in a stable because there was no where else for him to be born. Mary wrapped him in swaddling clothes herself because there were no others there to welcome Him. It seems no one in Bethlehem was waiting on their Savior to be born. It makes you wonder, is anyone waiting for his second coming? Are we busy about His work waiting on his second return?

I hope you have a Merry Christmas, and reflect upon the meaning of Christmas in your own heart.


The Congleton Family said...

Kelly, you are SO right! It's a joy to see what Our Savior has been showing you this holiday season- The most precious gift ever! Merry Christmas with love to you and all of your family!