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Movin' Up

It seems like just yesterday, we welcomed Jackson into this world. It's amazing to think that's been over 2 years ago now, and how much he has changed our lives. We wouldn't change it for the world! Being a parent is such a rewarding experience, but is also such a stretching experience. I'm constantly reminded of how much I must call on the Lord for strength and wisdom as a mother, but I know that God would not have blessed us with such a blessing without equipping us to also raise Jackson in the way that he should go if we only seek Him.

Tomorrow Jackson moves up to the preschool class at church. We're excited about the new class, and the new things that he will learn in this class as they explore and learn more about God. Just reminds me even more how quickly he is growing up and how independent he is becoming as a 2 1/2 year old!