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Crazy busy...

So, it's been a little bit since I posted, and things have been crazy busy! I'm in the middle of midterms, so I've been so busy studying away for these midterms. There's a lot of things going on right now with school, so it's keeping me busy. I'm preparing all my documents for graduation. Crazy that it's only 7 short months away. WOW! I'm filling out all the graduation paperwork for ECU, and also trying to prepare my resume' and document clinical experience to submit to ASHA who is the licensing body for Speech-Language Pathology. They require a lot of paperwork and documentation to show that I have had a variety of clinical experience, and competent to work with various individuals with a variety of speech disorders. I'm also working hard to make sure I have all the required experience necessary, so it's crunch time!
Also, since this weather has been so beautiful, Jackson and I have been spending lots of time outdoors doing fun things, and working in the yard. He really is a great helper to have, and he enjoys working so much, so we try to find helpful things that he can help with because he enjoys that.
Donald and I went to see the movie Fireproof last night with some friends, and it was really a good movie with a great message. I would encourage anyone who has the opportunity to definitely see it as it presents a great message about marriage and how God's love enables us to love differently than we could were we not saved. With divorce as rampant as it is these days, it's always great to have a reminder of how God views marriage, and that marriage isn't easy, but you never leave your partner in the middle of the fire!


Jennifer said...

saw you at the movie... you were trying to find a seat in that packed theater! the movie was awesome and i would say the same about the movie. mom and i cried through the last half of it but very good!

sounds like you are staying busy. hope everything goes well with preparing for graduation and getting those tests out of the way. congrats on your accomplishments so far!