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Sorry we've been a little scarce lately. I've been busy with classes, and it's so hard to believe there's only a little over 1 month of classes left until I begin my final semester of graduate school. That also means, I'll be taking the state licensing exam in 2 months, so I've been preparing for that as well.
We're heading out of town for the weekend. Donald has to go out-of-town for work, and Jackson and I try to tag along when we can so we can see some new things. So, I've been trying to figure out what Jackson and I will be doing while Donald's working. Not sure yet, but we'll be close the Blue Ridge Parkway, and many other things, so I know we'll find something interesting to do, and it'll allow us to spend some good quality time together. I hope to post some pictures soon of some other things we've been doing, but it may be next week after we return. We'll be leaving Friday night after trick-or-treating and we'll return on Sunday, so hopefully I can get back to blogging more regular then.