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Last day of internship...

Today was my last day at my internship site for this semester. Since completing internships in the graduate program, I have realized just how generous people can be in helping you get started by sharing their time, information, and talent with you. So far I have worked at 2 different internship sites, and both were such a positive experience that I learned so much from, and found lifelong friends and mentors in the supervisors I had there. It was a bittersweet day because I am so happy to be finishing up another internship, and also so happy to be one step closer to obtaining my Master's degree. WHOOO HOOO! This internship has been somewhat difficult in that some of the children were cold & hard because of their home life, and the caseload was varied and challenging. I've learned so much about life and becoming a Speech-Language Pathologist through this experience. My supervisors were so generous! They gave me a new market tote (I've been wanting one of these for months now!) filled with goodies to help me get started as a clinician. There was everything from games to play with the kids, books to read with the kids (one was especially for Jackson, HOW THOUGHTFUL!), hand sanitizer, etc. I'm humbled at how thoughtful they were, and how much they genuinely cared about giving me a head-start in my career.
I'm excited to have 1 week off before beginning my next internship. It'll give me a little break, and some time to get a few things done around here. My next internship is in a long-term acute care facility, and will be quite an emotional challenge. I went into this field thinking I would work in a facility like this, but am not sure that this is an area that I will work in after graduation. Pray for us as we pray about God's direction in our lives, and where He would have us live, work, etc.