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Let the vacation begin!

Let the vacation begin! I have finally finished another clinical rotation for grad school, and I'm on vacation for the next month! I can hardly believe it! This is my first real break since grad school began 2 years ago. I have had a 1-1 1/2 week break here and there, but generally I've still had class work to finish up, etc, but not this time! I'm excited about the many projects I'm hoping to tackle here around the house, and hope to be able to enjoy some family time and maybe a mini-vacation before school starts back up in high gear.

I was pleasantly surprised to find how much I really enjoyed my last clinical rotation. I had no idea I would glean as much knowledge, and grow so much as a clinician during this last rotation, but I'm thrilled that I did, and very thankful I had such a knowledgable supervisor who was so easy to work with. I look forward to my next clinical rotation next month, and am so happy to say I only have 2 left before graduation! This has been such a long journey, but to think it will all be over with in only 9 short months is overwhelming but so exciting! Donald and I are earnestly praying about what direction we will go once graduate school is completed.


Jennifer said...

Congrats!! Take what I am sure is some much needed rest!! Good luck on your last nine months!