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This Crazy Life

Life can be crazy! Hectic! Busy!

Tonight as I settled snuggly into bed with my laptop after a long day, I was greeted by a John Deere tractor and a toy car Jackson had left here earlier while playing. I had to smile! I went in his room to check on him because he has been running a fever this afternoon, and couldn't help but smile at him sleeping so sweetly. While reading with Jackson in his Bible tonight about Noah and the ark, it was so sweet to see him so excited about Noah, and he wanted to hear the story twice tonight. Do I think he understands why God sent a flood or what the rainbow symbolizes? No, but I'm thankful to see his interest in reading his Bible daily.

You is crazy, hectic, and keeps you on your toes, but I love this life! I constantly am busy keeping up with a very active 2 year old, keeping up our house, pursuing my degree, or just being a wife or mother, but I wouldn't trade it for the world!