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Buried Treasure

Being a mom and being a Speech Pathologist, I'm always on the look out for great games that I can use in therapy, will encourage language development, or provide entertainment for younger children. I was tickled when a fellow therapist introduced me to the Cranium Cariboo game this semester. It's a cute game where you use a special key to pop open the doors on the game board, and you are in search of colorful balls. Once, you find all 6 balls and place them in the special tunnel, your buried treasure open. It's a simple concept that you can make more difficult with the included game cards, or you can play without the cards, and simply enjoy depending on the age group.

This game has proved very effective in therapy with small children as it keeps their attention for longer, and allows the 45 minute sessions with a 3 year old to pass much more quickly. I often use this game and adapt it by cutting out pictures with my target sounds on them, and placing them in the top of the doors you open. I love how the kids know the treasure is always going to be a purple gem with gold sparkly glitter, but each time they open the treasure chest, we still have to ahhhh over how neat the treasure is. This is how it's perfect in let me tell you how it's perfect for my 3 year old.

Today, I came across this game, and bought it for our house. Jackson has spent much of his afternoon playing and replaying this game. When Donald came home from work, he was tickled to teach daddy how to play his game, and drug Donald into the living room to sit on the floor with him while he explained the game, the key, the pictures on top of the doors, the tunnel you place the balls in, and of course the ever-so-popular buried treasure! Jackson adores this game, and has enjoyed playing the game so much. He told the waitress at TGI Fridays tonight that he got a buried treasure game. (That was right after he winked at her while she stood by our table.) HA HA HA! Before bed tonight, Jackson kissed the game, and found a special spot to place his game until he can play it again tomorrow. Guess you know what we'll be doing tomorrow...searching for buried treasure, and I wouldn't have it any other way!