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Wow! It's been a while...the semester is in full force, and I'm feeling the effects. The past 3 weeks have been a blur, and I'm wondering where all my time is slipping away to. The answer: SCHOOL! This semester I am working 4 days a week, and also taking classes, so I'm swamped with no end in sight (well, except the fact that I graduate in 3 short months!) This is the only semester I've had to work 4 days a week, and for that I'm thankful! I had to work 4 days a week in order to graduate with an advanced master's degree as opposed to a Master's degree. I figured the trade-off for 3 1/2 months was worth it. There's no way I could do this were it not for the help of my wonderful husband, who so graciously cooks dinner, helps with dishes, cleans the house, or does whatever is necessary. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful husband, who helps ease the load so that I can pursue something that I am passionate about!


Anonymous said...

You sweet doll face you, Donald.